Sunday, July 11, 2010


Another Inept Decision by Wendy S. Lindley

James R. Pinck, probation department Orange County Superior Court-s 92701 U.S. Military Force connotation, an allegation-s of murder magic and murder for hire sorcery abuse -Father’ that are in Heaven.

Wendy S. Lindley, and all Judges U S court-s are either-s murderers for hire or at sold their es-sas to de-evolute sorcery objective-s aka murder magician-s presence in nearly* all City Hall esquire-s every town U S A and internationally how not.

• Per units of candor-s.

Adds not a right to seek a Father-s that are in Heaven Cecil-s; I see fit to describe our mind-s and-s matter’s appertaining-s as contorting expressive reflection field-s of rebellious concern in aware ad adage an act-s of God all see and deceive a fire to side.

When a carnal homicidal deed couple of times occurs an alien metamorphosis can and do re-stipulate an engineer side-s of flight to do evil such as bait traps for all to duel and die residents in I’m in troubles all there.

Client Murderers see I can make lie a side to not ascertain the scope and need to defend my not a murder nor degenerate and are a Good Samaritan-like witness, but why bother since all lie in wait and lie about Communion holsters I see.

As you make a try on a President(s) wellness I see was properly identified to all who come to see Hell on Earth instead for material evidence of force-s that done evil- see peoples prefers Hell in every which way Father?

Want a witness protection idea phony objective wit willy’-?
The re-do over 24 months not a sanction anyways a County government caught racketeering in murder magic perfidy I say especially in the face of new and damning disclosure, discovery and appeal Father-s?

United States Code and Title violators actions I despise-th done cause damage to all I say as do de-evolute alien metamorphosis devil deeding on the innocent, elderly and the working class act.

The faiths of perfidy aspects of individuals I see doing in-sufficient grounds to incriminate such as Judges in or near-s City Hall-s idea-s are Code and Title-s, 1111 for starters endanger all, abandon every moral iota.

The act-s and factual display-s of Universal Studio-s a-typified example of ill-begotten metamorphosis as a result of energy exchanges with alien lascivious, im-moral and-s unlawful approach for superstitious I not concern’ a payroll desire about, pertaining to Wendy S. Lindley, a said murderer(s) for hire-(s) and-s a friend-s in uniform approach my-s individual capacity-s to condemn un-speak able treachery and initiate citizen’s arrest-like-s campaign.

The subject-s of metamorphosis by means of unlawful carnal homicide is either above your lawful degree of ascertains a U S Code of Justice for intolerable appraisal.

All perjure the material act and fact-s of global telepathic status aided by an apparition-like images of topographical contorting expressions on our map legend, identified properly as Courtroom evidence exhibits for at a psych evaluation surprise I see is act of war against a side-Court-s.

Associate- you phoned at our wafer an impossible desire does lie in wait to fold all I bring as admissible-s for exorcist film-s analogy-s. That is officially a college for hire to do rectal function a side to rejoice for-a as when she done evil carnal attack-s killing-s in so seeing our stipulation-s of Affidavit of a Witness-(s) attention brings a new hold up to invite old U S and Japans reminders of enemy.

To serve a force of intellectually evil is as a day in Court to see an effort to undertake an Order-s by Superior Court injunction bring a fists to fault all seem to lie in wait defence deposition predatory policy-s of Devil food I see a side.
As for a pledge allegiance interpretation why emphasize justifiable uses of atomic explosive punishment for all who uphold, squat soldiers I see?

By Wednesday I sick of all you say deeds our supervisor-s candor-s as by for and of the do evil support are you prank police Orange County de-evolute hiatus?
If sane the other reason-s to hold you do legal emphasize perjury outfit-s without re-course terrorizing a Witness for the prosecution-s County Attorney risk taker-s I adding-s?

Seeing-s and siding settlement offer-s request for impersonal convicted all I see-killer need apply is why John Moorlach's idea-s of service a behemoth d-evolute a defeat purpose intellectual answer – is how now-s why-s we can impressed a witness-s lawful reminder-s of a nuclear chain reaction war room affiliate my all or not a witness for the choice of Judgment legal actions that await all I see.


As for the question of the nuclear deterrent, a racket-s, I see to conspire treachery against all who know alien agenda side-s of the force-s present is or will consider to continue to alleged James R. Pinck's rebuttal if accusatory seeks damages award for the unprecedented scope of evil doing an accusatory produced at evidence to convict all a try to falsify the recent development-s of the on going stating global telepathic like Communion.

Their remains to faced individual-s in fight regime-s to beleaguer and destroy a Homo sapiens at a reprisal means acts of war, contrition and altercate Cecil?

So then as I seat a lone iota-s given to these individual I seek in an effort to deter an abetment in child killing begotten alien sorcery promotion brought to firearms decision making by leadership pretending to need nuclear hexafluorinal as tactic, when all the while these a-typify rank and file alien de-evolute work to systematically end mankind's existence and do evil at feared incalculable regression of Soul spirited matter without further a dew.
Wendy S. Lindley, a Judge alleged to serial kill- is sniper company United States infantry unit of candors despondences to the Eden Martelly an alleged murderer regression force-s she runs that kill all they can attain not a worry.

WIT and ETS evaluate your own do evil continual that ands lie in wait not an criminal bait traps to kill aall to do with hexafluorine or comet Harvey-s turn nor was it my interest to circumnavigate cataclysmic surprise evil-s a-but cardio arrest guide servitude-s the steps of man until further a dew lie in wait not, I do.

A Claimant citing our situation-al acclimate facade pretense of thermo-nuclear deterrence instead as mentioning cardio- arrestee direction giving deputy do-s answers.

James R. Pinck a Murderer Threat

The said transfer of manner of speech is not alien re-incarnation upon doing evil for a apparent purpose of evidently abuse of clairvoyance and inter-cellular manipulation to every charge a bank credit can lend a hand.

The question remains ambiguous also as to why the force-s of nature give star elder type accent to a said most law breaking evilest criminal evil doers as all who say I do.

Murder magic type sorcery is calling manipulate a need for thermo-nuclear warfare and do all side well done Mr. Pinck too-s I see.

Murder magic affiliate apparently had/having or did you know another ambiguity’s to decide un-imaginable to many ferocity-s a energies fear never a danger including but not limited to any known to humans. This means nuclear Hell I raise.


Above and hereas observing a
said regional sorcery epidemic.
Identified properly as military grade
matter. Courtroom evidence;
exhibits 3a.above and 3b below.

To re-size the efficacy ‘pertaining toward molecular composite of the area- of searching for an affirmation-s in mind and action bringers scope and purpose in understanding humanities concerns, the act that de-evolute sorcery people are nuclear hexafluorinide to express and the tables of element-s I see.

Those we baited traps to kill, and those who sin and defile-d our Law-s U S Code and Title-s especially appertaining to degenerative acts and homicide-without-s a sense of neither shame- remorse, nor recourse to our knowledge are catalyst for the state-s Devil means cellular-s embodiment of ill-begotten or not understood ways and means of de-evolute side-s of the force-s present.

To put us in another iota-s; all humans are stepping on Steven Van Schofer aka Steven Van Arroyo’s toes and digging in our backs and taking for granted the He is all the why it is dinner came today war room comics?

This undesirable spell has been ongoing too long and Roosevelt, Truman World War archive reminders of all who fell lying in wait for do evil do psych all mankind rather than consider not to de-factorial accept A Claimant-s side-s of perhaps some give and take-s with a view toward uphold a stronger flag a higher mass be received, was asking too much I learn, especially in the area-s of circus funny-for all lied a side never did I address, forewarn and advise about the evil-s that patiently awaits all who came to defeat purpose I see.

The Sentence Always Came


The obvious Anti'-lawful client based treachery is free spoken defense analagies personal belonging objeect-s. I ama said side at all magician type alien being-s who conspired or not sodomic killing begotten treachery-s, and in further a coincidentalies I despise and abhour murder for hires and enzyme sepulcher murder magic state sponsoring terror cells. Oh LORD in and JESUS I'm not being brazen, I just beieve in not being a complete and total virtue-less individual Steven. DONE 11 JULY 2010


The allegation-s stand.

Anti'-christ-like-s ledger-s I see- litigants, said murder for hires and enzyme sepulcher murder magic state sponsoring terror cells. Oh Hexafluorinide bringing welcomes a stick up Charlie Browns at our attention.



11 JULY 2010
Steven Van Schofer


Steven Van Arroyo

The images and global state of telepathic address, advisements, orders, and obligations to assume, states the persons in these displays are and are indeed TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 51 > § 1111 Next § 1111. murder violators transgressing a material act and fact-s. Bearing in mind-s the most flagrant event in recorded annals criminal wrong doers using as settlement offer-s:

(a) an Patton or Royal vacation I hear-s is side for a lady cloak swear-er-s of never do hear-s, see-s nor posses any material knowledge of a state global Communion .

In so redressing the situate a billfold unit to do evil at my sight, the question remains to be considered: do these evil doers support network-s deserve to become DEVIL food-s?

Orange County California Division WIT MHA A collaborative partnership are a tip of the Duly impersonating a police officer side wind-s to the other incident lies, we tried to repel a lame interrogation I hear-s is joke-s a legal emphasis of a Solemn Oaths all breach I see?

Sandra Hutchens dear-s psychs her stellar navigate pilot see their bosom is mama yoker for Devil Oaths the force clears for Mohican Steven-s attentive file.

Claimant asserted continually we the people are-st in favor of murder for hire sorcery to please a death certificate brought forward by hiring murderer assailants and for ill-begotten as do say by sodomic repulsive Heinous criminal children killing sacrifice ; means ill-begotten- and do serve a side of the force present known as the Devil I see; Oh Jesus save me. Amen?

I’m obviously at war with enemy to these individuals I say; abut if all lie away I guess I have to side-s you can handle Stevens Sci fi wild blogging stories of lost wealth and fame and how we could have made it to eternity despite the calm our accounts of County perjuries I swear to G_D to do.

Orange County area and vicinity Los Angeles County's, swindles all I seat to psych insignificance much to the delight of de-evolute sorcery enemy at state of warfare brought up at front lines not a worry in all creation to praise an all I see is perfidy to have and hold here-then I am for the de-evolute sorcery people to do up all except me-s.

If-s I don’t have a choice I say-s. All lie ‘pertaining to global stated endeavor to sodomize and murder I believed I was a witness for the Lord and goodness-s side once upon a time Aesop?

All though WIT staff are allocate a phone id to my surprising a funny farm invitation say up-s these people were rumored by a said apparition to beleaguer a temper to advance further in appoint a prejudice all lawyers are said to be murderers in league with can only lie for the murder magician psych eval to tell us to be personal as if to say each Judge and psc murdered first up-s, funny? Are believe a face of I am topic to mice I see?

This means mice did evil and is afraid to come forward except to feed on fleshy rotten cadaver polyp sides never understand a non-murderer non-degenerate Lawful abridge?

In so believing who support death to all and in so establishing that all men are created equal until a matter of homicide arise-s, which leads deak to investigate an opportunistic face to stick up Pops, I do’s?

Fairer to believe a kill is all it about not good enough for the evil that patiently awaiting a way to stipulate a false prognosis. It was told all, here as all psych to kill is fair, Then here all is fair to kill all? I tried to argue the cause of non-murderer and non-degenerative right-s, But all want a fight Father. Yes I seeking monetary damages as just compensation.

Foras much as I can swear to I need a face of support, it does worry my situate-s, here that I’m not trying to be brash nor brazen average attention. I just see and feel that for what it can side-s that-s Federal pertinence has allowed local venue to have a nay-say side of uphold rancor instead of life in the face of Providential endowment to need-s a dime to call no-one who cared to discuss any-how?

Still worries my / the image may not always protect my side-s, and they,
Wit Court do see and situate fool all it can psych for uphold treachery and cataclysmic downfall of men, women, family’s me too is pride to teach a face to be in for a say murderers transgression long-s and short-s of all pledge allegiance to squat unfortunately Steven-s.

The said transfer of manner of speech is not alien re-incarnation upon doing evil for a apparent purpose of evidently abuse of clairvoyance and inter-cellular manipulation to every charge a bank credit can lend a hand.

The question remains ambiguous also as to why the force-s of nature give star elder type accent to a said most law breaking evilest criminal evil doers as all who say I do.
Murder magic type sorcery is calling manipulate a need for thermo-nuclear warfare and do all side well done Mr. Pinck too-s I see.

Murder magic affiliate apparently had/having or did you know another ambiguity’s to decide un-imaginable to many ferocity-s a energies fear never a danger including but not limited to any known to humans. This means nuclear Hell.
They exist secretly as a terrorist cell of spearhead leadership-s and propriety’s from what they gather- I do-s.

We, Steve and the Lord or good side of the forces, reported to us in or byword-s of 1997 1999 this matter of not interested to all I reveal-s in and that news people police, are echoed to be a large part and Party-s to do with storm bringing, storm chasing, tornadic function-s, wind-s breeze-s, oceanographer-s accounts of never did I notice, bait traps to de-evolute sub enzyme-s.
The act-s of global telepathy from endowment creator’s offering-s I see has and is not been welcomed. I would know I say-s?

How are we to keep a positive attitude that the Devil is extremely interfere as to suggest in charge more than goodness, in and that the consideration of maybe Hell for all is deserved?

To re-size the efficacy ‘pertaining toward molecular composite of the area- of searching for an affirmation-s in mind and action bringers scope and purpose in understanding humanities concerns, the act that de-evolute sorcery people are nuclear hexafluorinide to express and the tables of element-s I see.

Those we baited traps to kill, and those who sin and defile-d our Law-s U S Code and Title-s especially appertaining to degenerative acts and homicide-without-s a sense of shame- remorse, nor recourse to our knowledge are catalyst for the state-s Devil means cellular-s embodiment of ill-begotten or not understood ways and means of de-evolute side-s of the force-s present.

To put us in another iota-s; all humans are stepping on Steven Van Schofer aka Steven Van Arroyo’s toes and digging in our backs and taking for granted the He is all the why it is dinner came today war room comics?

This undesirable spell has been ongoing too long and Roosevelt, Truman World War archive reminders of all who fell lying in wait for do evil do psych all mankind rather than consider not to de-factorily accept A Claimant-s side-s of perhaps some give and take-s with a view toward uphold a stronger flag a higher mass be received, was asking too much I learn, especially in the area-s of circus funny-for all lied a side never did I address, forewarn and advise about the evil-s that patiently awaits all who came to defeat purpose I see.

Thus in so nay siding give arise to condition I see do set-s up cataclysmic aka acts of all do de-evolute siding and-a acts of Satan to psych lie to Steven and Jesus images for the Hell of de-evolute sides men ship as all do see and say no I don’t forensic under the guises of unlawful detention. All I do: swear-ers do see and do evil to my not a common attribution. Perjury: is all swear not a word of understanding in common.

Foras not ever wanting an understanding in an effort to live far and free away from Hell on Earth and in the destination placard to the emphasis of unit- of understanding, twenty years has passed and not even one iota of support tells us to seek infamy and total rebellious treachery on the part of to who’m it may concern, stipulate fall mountains but please don’t fall on me-s.





Treasures of Hope Memorial-s

Carving a stone with only our conscience?
Searching for peace worthy to find?
There's alway-s a war we can lose?
Winning is only for fools?
Flying deeper in to our skies?

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 115 > § 2381 Next § 2381. Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 51 > § 1111 Next § 1111. Murder (a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree. debate, disseminate, pretect life better, lie in wait not, apologize if I see an TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 51 > § 1111 § 1111. Murder racket's violation?



THE Scripture account of nearly all forms of ancient sorcery and witchcraft were founded upon a belief in killing and sodomizing especially children for an communion with the dead.

Those who practiced the arts of necromancy claimed to been given alien inter-exchange for a de-evolute (or in Catholic teaching-s Devil related powers by the evil presence of all who know not a right to exist. Inso siding evil-s, death, and Devil food-s to mankind departed spirits.

For these Appellate Jurisdictions psych to situate in the name-s of Law profession-s I say it Soully spirited regressive transparency's, I see obtain through lying, fibbing, murder racketeering now in progress at Court-s, ships ahoy-s, a knowledge of quasi-future events and selective preferential advancement I not for.

This custom of consulting the dead is referred to in the prophecy of Isaiah: "When they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?" Isaiah 8:19.

This same belief in communion with the dead formed the cornerstone of heathen idolatry. The gods of the heathen were believed to be the deified spirits of departed heroes. Thus the religion of the heathen was a worship of the dead. This is evident from the Scriptures. In the account of the sin of Israel at Bethpeor, it is stated: "Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab.

And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor." Numbers 25:1-3. The psalmist tells us to what kind of gods these sacrifices were offered. Speaking of the same apostasy of the Israelites, he says, "They joined themselves also unto Baalpeor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead" (Psalm 106:28); that is, sacrifices that had been offered to the dead.

The deification of the de-evolute sorcery bringer-s murder for hires racketeering I see I say I catch offering who-ever-s it can-s a prominent place in nearly every system of professional endeavor, as does the God of your money also, for all side uphold de-evolute regression purple mountain majesty low and behold a situation arise at Court I'm now formally contend all United States Judges without prejudice have killers perspectives and I was told by all you did lie about global telepathy, that they are murderers caught as well including collaborative partnerships hiatus offer?

The Devil alien lead people-s were believed to communicate their will to Steven Van Arroyo also surnamed Steven Van Schofer,

The belief in communion with the decision to all or tell never is still held, even in professedly Christian lands. Under the name of spiritualism the practice of communicating with beings claiming to be the spirits of the departed has become widespread. It is calculated to take hold of the sympathies of those who have laid their loved ones in the grave. Spiritual beings sometimes appear to persons in the form of their deceased friends, and relate incidents connected with their lives and perform acts which they performed while living.

In this way virtue less greed lead the week to deceive I say. A-liken the clergical religious prank-s I seated; a murder magician swindle lead all your not a side for-s to believe that they're saved from Hell I say it too.

The manifestations by which an alien presence engage in evil advancement of police, elected officials and more than I am for reside here in our premises in an effort-s to cultivate disdain and cataclysmic outcomes for a Devil food say over men women-s, children.

In and murderer for hire-s present press another iota of justified use of de-evolute Devillism for claim adjusted offer to beleive in God never a global telepathic state of ultumatum bringing and cartographic topography of a United Stated side of unlawful example-s of Court sanctioned perfidy I do say up, when confronted with desire which I do state unlawful and Heinous upon these ground, to bear true Faith and allegioance all candor a fight to kill the witness is real endowment to acknowledge its material act and-s facts.